Just in Time for Halloween: Head Lice Removal Is One of Parents’ Scariest Nightmares
Head Lice Scare Keeping You Up At Night?
Did you know that head lice are the third most feared experience for parents?
That’s right. Head lice rank third among parents’ ‘worst nightmares.’ More parents fear head lice and head lice removal than chicken pox, pink eye, strep throat and the flu, to name a few.
Only a broken bone and a broken heart scare parents more than head lice.
These are the results of a first-of-its-kind OnePoll survey of 2,000 U.S. parents conducted in conjunction with Lice Clinics of America®:
Top 10 Parenting Nightmares
- Kid coming home with broken/sprained limb 41%
- Kid coming home with a broken heart 40%
- Kid coming home with lice 36%
- Kid coming home with chicken pox 33%
- Kid coming home with a broken/sprained finger 31%
- Kid coming home with strep throat 29%
- Kid coming home with an allergic reaction 29%
- Kid coming home with the flu/cold 27%
- Kid coming home with pink eye 26%
- Kid coming home with broken glasses 16%
Why Head Lice?
One reason parents fear head lice is because head lice removal is getting harder. That’s because the most popular lice products on the market are rapidly losing their effectiveness to kill lice and eggs (nits). The most recent study (2016) published in the Journal of Medical Entomology found that 98 percent of head lice in most U.S. states are now resistant to pyrethroids, the class of pesticides used in traditional over-the-counter lice products.
If that’s not scary enough, pyrethroids have also been linked to behavior and developmental problems in children.
Here’s a Solution
The good news is solutions are available that make head lice about as scary as getting a haircut. More than 350 Lice Clinics of America professional lice treatment centers in over 36 countries offer treatment using the FDA-cleared AirAllé® medical device. AirAllé is clinically proven to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs (nits) using heated air to dehydrate the lice and eggs. Most treatments take about an hour and are guaranteed to be effective for complete head lice removal.
Developed by researchers at the University of Utah and proven over a decade of trials and tests, the AirAllé is equally matched against pyrethroid-resistant ‘super lice’ because it doesn’t rely on pesticides or chemicals. It has been used to treat more than 1 million cases of head lice worldwide with a success rate better than 99 percent.
Lice don’t cause or carry diseases, so they are not a health concern. And with our proven one-hour cure that makes head lice a fear of the past, there’s one less thing for parents to worry about—they can go back to worrying about broken hearts and limbs.
Lice Clinics of America – Northern Illinois has two location in Illinois. Find our clinics at 10 West Phillip Road, Suite 123, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 and 2503 Spring Ridge Drive, Suite C1, Spring Grove, IL 60081. Each clinic is open seven days a week by appointment. Call (224) 433-5593 or (815) 324-6677 and email info@LiceClinicsVernonHills.com or info@liceclinicsspringgrove.com for more information or to schedule an appointment.